A common syndrome
(A) the wind v renal syndrome: swelling in the face or limbs, wind onset
orrecurrence of wind or wind aggravation or delayed a long time does not
heal,joint discomfort, more bubbles in urine, pale and dark, lumbar debility,
fatiguefatigue. Pale tongue, and MOSS thin yellow or white.
(B) the damp syndrome: seriously swollen, thoracic and epigastric
swellingstuffy, hot, thirsty, scanty and dark urine, or stool, or loose
stools-delay ofsorts. Red tongue, yellow greasy Moss.
(Iii) kidney collateral stasis syndrome: kidney protracted course of
disease,recurrent, when swollen, until the breastwork and lustreless, bone pain.
Darktongue there petechiae or ecchymosis.
A common syndrome
(D) wet of kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome: swelling of
extremitiesless, face, lips, dark bronze with delay, abdominal veins exposed,
hot palms andsoles, lumbar debility, or women with colored dark red and purple,
or throughless through close and dark urine. Red tongue or dark purple, yellow
and thick.
(E) the deficiency of qi and Yin syndrome: swelling time, face swelling
ofextremities less, shortness of breath, fatigue, hot palms and soles, dry
throat,leader of dizziness, lumbar debility, often sweating or sweating, urine
shortred, mamillata little Moss or pale tongue and side bars. (F) the
spleen-kidneyYang deficiency syndrome: body swelling below her waist, according
to sag, not easily come back, abdominal distension stuffy, anorexia, loose
stools, sallowcomplexion, God is tired and cold extremities, or cold and pain in
waist, urineshort. Fat pale tongue, white slip, or white fur and thick.
Second, the common symptom/syndrome nursing
(A) bubbles in urine (proteinuria)
(B) edema
(C) hematuria
(D) the dizziness, high blood pressure
(E) the urine abnormalities (oliguria, anuria; polyuria, nocturia)
(F) lumbar debility
(A) bubbles in urine (proteinuria)
1. urine bubble and dissipation. Doctor collected urine, a 24-hour urine
proteinand urine micro protein and so on. Specimens collected should correctly,
ontime, avoiding excessive dilution or concentration in urine to prevent
samplecontamination or degeneration. 2. observe there is no fever, strenuous
exercise,and changing body position on patients with bubbles in urine
(proteinuria)effects. 3. a large number of bubbles in urine (proteinuria),
dominated by bedrest, proper bedside activities. Should be regularly rolled over
bed, dorsal flexion, dorsiflexion motion, after the remission, you can gradually
increaseyour activity. 4. good oral, skin, perineum and other care, avoid
repeatedillness due to infections, increase in proteinuria. 5. the
prescribedmoxibustion, desirable air-sea, guanyuan, zusanli acupoint.
(B) edema
1. to assess the degree of edema, position, monitoring body weight,
waistcircumference, volume, etc. Severe edema should be on bed rest, recorded
24-hourintake, focus observe changes in blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory
andkidney functions. Height of lower extremity edema patients, need to
observeswelling degree of symmetry of both lower limbs, with or without pain,
hightemperature conditions, detect the thrombotic event. 2. keep the skin clean
anddry, soft loose clothes, regularly turn to prevent skin breakdown and
infection.Head pillow should be the palpebral oedema; edema of lower limbs
should beraised a foot; scrotal edema of scrotum hold up. Severe hydrothorax and
Timely take half-sitting position. 3. proper control of water quantity,
directthe amount of income, keep a balance of intake.
(B) edema
4. When you use captured by agents, or diuretics, should pay attention to
themonitoring of blood pressure, urine volume, and the number and volume of
stool,preventing effective shock caused by decreased blood volume and
electrolytedisorders. 5. physician's herb soaking. 6. the prescribed Chinese
herbal medicine external application. 7. the physician's traditional Chinese
(C) hematuria
1. distinguish the urine color and character. Regularly check urine, urine
Correlation of cell volume changes, repeatedly and daily life, such as
anactivity, sleep and fatigue, and there is no infection and other factors. •
2.hematuria syndrome or both kidney collateral stasis syndrome, prescribed
forpromoting blood circulation Chinese herbs, care should be observed in the
skinwithout bleeding, mouth, gums and other parts of female patients, such as
bychanging the menstrual period.
(D) the dizziness, high blood pressure
1. step up inspections, monitoring blood pressure. Vertigo occurs, try to
keeppatients on bed rest. If severe headache, vomiting, increased blood
pressure,blurred vision, immediately report to physicians, do rescue
preparations. • 2.antihypertensive drug, attention to monitoring dynamic change
of blood pressureand avoid pressure too fast. And to observe the
antihypertensive drugs mayimpact on renal function. Normal blood pressure should
be controlled within130/80mmHg, >1g/24 hour for urine protein, blood pressure
should be controlledin 125/75mmHg. • 3. physician's Auricular, take the door,
God, heart, liver,blood pressure ditch sympathetic points. • 4. physician's
acupressure, take thewind pool, Bai Hui, Sun and other points.
(E) the urine abnormalities (oliguria, anuria; polyuria, nocturia)
1. the oliguria and anuria is kidney severe wind, focus on blood pressure,
heart rate, breathing, consciousness, such as 24 hour access to change, paying
particular attention to presence of high potassium and high blood
volume,acidosis and its effects on heart and lung function. Strict control of
waterintake and keep intake balanced. 2. observation on patients with
polyuria,nocturia, specific gravity of urine, urine osmolality, urine output,
such asfrequency of urination. 3. the prescribed moxibustion, take shenshu,
guanyuan,zusanli with life gate, sea air, two groups of points sanyinjiao
alternate,intermittent applications. 4. the prescribed Chinese herbs colon
(F) lumbar debility
1. to observe nature, location and symptoms associated with pain, pay
Extrarenal factors cause low back pain. 2. acid in patients after Renal
puncturelumbar pain condition, generally taboo within the 3rd postoperative
physicaltherapy at the waist. 3. the physician's Auricular, harvesting,
lumbosacral, and other points. 4. the prescribed moxibustion, take shenshu, sea
air, guanyuanpoint. 5. physician's herbal, taking double sided shenshu, Jiao Yu
and otherpoints.
Third, the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine treatment and
nursing care
(A) drug therapy
(Ii) characteristics of technology
(A) drug therapy
1. herbal decoction: clothing tonic herbs, should be observed with
exogenous,injury-free food, stagnation, signs of dampness, such as in case of
drug benefitHIV/AIDS enough of evil. Traditional Chinese medicine activating
blood circulation xiaozheng, observing the skin, mucous membranes, mouth and
otherparts with or without bleeding, Renal Biopsy should be prescribed before
and after deactivation. Dispelling wind and dampness Chinese medicine such as
Lei Gong Teng tablet, prescribed patients have no gastrointestinal discomfort
aftertaking the medicine, and to observe changes in the menstrual cycle, if
menstrualdisorders, amenorrhea and other abnormalities, and
B) techniques
1. the external application of herbal medicine: (1) Glauber: Glauber's
saltpounded to a powder or fine granular, into a discharged private bag,
evenlyspread out, sticking to the treatment site. Discharged each time 8-10
hours, 1times a day. (2) the hot application of Medicine (TCM reyanbao):
medicine in theform reyanbao, 40~50℃, topical in bilateral shenshu, Jiao Yu and
other pointsto keep warm during treatment, asking whether there is discomfort,
such as atopical skin burning, scalding sensation should stop treatment
immediately.Gently wipe the skin with a towel after the end of treatment. 20-30
minutes at atime, 1~2 times a day (see Appendix 2). 2. Herb soaking: Herb
soaking time in patients with lower extremity edema, knee following skin should
be fullysubmerged in liquid. Water temperature 40~42℃, daily or every other day
1 (seeAppendix 2). 3. traditional Chinese medicine fumigation (see Appendix 2).
4.Chinese medicine total colonic lavage (see Appendix 2). 5. the moxa
(seeAppendix 2). 6. Auricular points (see Appendix 2). 7. acupressure (see
Four, health guidance
(A) live
(B) dietary guidance (iii) emotional conditioning
(A) live
1. maintain Ward's quiet fresh, daily life sometimes; comply with the
fouro'clock, avoided six evil invasion. 2. keep your mouth, skin and
perinealcleanliness to prevent infection. 3. avoid renal injury in aggravating
factorssuch as overwork, etc. Caution damage to the kidneys, drugs and food. 4.
regularmonitoring of blood pressure, controlling blood pressure in an acceptable
range.5. exercise helps increase physical fitness, such as Tai Chi, Ba Duan Jin
and so on. 6. guidance for patients with TCM methods of self-care, such as
acupressure, etc.
(B) dietary guidelines
5. Qi-Yin deficiency syndrome: Yi Shi Qi nourishing Yin foods, such as Lotus
seeds, red dates, yams, black rice, Chinese wolfberry, and so on. 6. Yang
deficiency of spleen and kidney: should be fresh and invigorating the spleen
andkidney and warming Yang diuresis food such as yams and papaya, Coix seed,
Lotus seeds, red dates, such as Loach. 7. edema, hypertension occurs when
low-saltdiets, recommended daily salt intake to 2~3G, diet, salt salted
vegetables(fennel). Highly swollen when doctor salt-free diet in the short term.
Renalinsufficiency (GFR is less than 50ml/min), should limit their protein
intake,protein 0.6~0.8g/kg.d, and accounted for more than 50% of high quality
protein.Very low protein diet (0.3~0.4g/kg.d), should also be combined with
alpha-Ketoacid therapy. If necessary, you can replace part of the staple food of
wheatstarch, guarantee full calories.
(B) dietary guidelines
1. wind underlying renal syndrome: Yi Shi qufeng tongluo foods such as
Melon, luffa, cherries, etc. • 2. damp permit: advised to eat food of
clearing heat and removing damp, Coix seed, gourd, bitter gourd, crucian carp,
and so on.• 3. kidney collateral stasis syndrome: Yi Shi Huo Xue Jie, Qi Qi's
food, such as Hawthorn, walnuts, mushrooms, seaweed, kumquats, and so on. • 4.
dampness and blood stasis syndrome of kidney deficiency: Yi Shi tonifying kidney
and activating blood and clearing heat and removing damp food, such as
yams,walnuts, cherries, etc.
(C) the emotional conditioning
1. the duration of the disease and illness repeatedly, and depression
inpatients with good care, feeling restless, shunqing method can be used,
Patients with negative emotions, Yu-Chang, cathartic emotion. 2. the use
ofsteroids, immunosuppressive patients worried about side effects, mental
stress,enlightened method of reasoning can be used, and how to communicate
withpatients about mental health, specific interpretation, provide
psychologicalsupport. When patients such as yunu, restlessness when liver Yang
Kangcheng,increased blood pressure, timely psychological, speech, behavior,
avoid adverseenvironmental factors such as stimulus. 3. relax, distract empathy
method isused, such as listening to music, relaxation, exercise and so on;
Encouragepatients to cultivate interest in life, their chores and social
participation,such as gardening, cooking, chess, etc.
Five, nursing difficulties
Poor medication compliance solutions 1. strengthening health education
andincrease awareness of her condition to understand drug effects, side effects
ofmedication and the considerations and objective understanding of the pros and
cons of drug therapy, actively cooperate with the treatment.
2. the development of a follow-up system, regularly, to improve