
Creatinine 5.4 with FSGS:What Should I Do

Creatinine 5.4 with FSGS:What Should I Do
Can creatinine 5.4 be lowered in FSGS without dialysis? Apparently dialysis may be no other option to lower high creatinine level. But a majority of people are afraid of dialysis for its side-effects. Then let?¡¥S talks about anything else to reduce creatinine 5.4 in FSGS.

As we know, creatinine will be the by-product of muscles as well as be filtered out by the glomerulus and eliminated in urine. The creatinine level may not elevate unless 1 / 2 of the kidney function sheds. The normal creatinine level is 0.5-1.2 mg/dl. Creatinine 5.4 crosses the normal level. So that it may be signifies that above 50% glomerulus are damaged in FSGS. Dialysis can be used to exchange the kidney to release the waste products. Nonetheless, dialysis also can bring some side-effects. Moreover, the kidney function will sharply decline should you long-term dialysis. What are additional solutions to lower creatinine 5.4 in FSGS?Here' could make you a few recommendations.

Elevated phosphorus and potassium food really should be avoided.

If their levels are through the normal level, you'll want to take fewer foods rich in phosphorus and potassium. Such foods include banana, grape, watermelon, potato, spinach kelp, cheese, peanut, chocolate, etc.

High-sodium food needs to be avoided.

As you are having hypertensive kidney disease, it's essential to take special focus to the sodium intake. High sodium is really a risk factor for high blood pressure levels. That will accelerate the disease condition. What?¡¥S more, high sodium may also greatly increase swelling. Such foods are abundant with sodium as bacon, sausage, butter, pickles, sauce, etc. You are also proposed avoiding restaurant food and ready made meals.

High-protein food needs to be avoided.

Protein is required for your system. Nevertheless, an excessive amount protein will wear out into excessive waste product, like urea nitrogen. With kidney damage, the waste product cannot be filtrate outside the body. And too much protein will raise the burden of kidney. High-quality proteins are recommended since they contain enough nutritions that the body need and they will break up less waste product.

The kidney it's advocated the Chinese medicine. It is popular to everyone because of its effectiveness, low-cost, safety. Besides, herbs are common result from nature and they are without the need for side-effects. Among the list of Chinese medicine is termed Hot Compress therapy. It can be externally used with an osmosis device.



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