
Blood in Urine and Kindey Disease:Causes and Treatment

Blood in Urine is usually problems in kidney disease.Blood in Urine could potentially cause your urine to find pink, red or brown. An appropriate treatment will not only alleviate hematuria but slow the progress of kidney disease.

What are the Cauese Blood in Urine

1.Strenuous exercise

2.Inflammation of the kidney, urethra, units

3.Kidney stones

4.Polytheistic Kidney Disease(PKD)

5.Cancer inside urinary system

6. Glomerulonephritis: Seen as inflammation of glomeruli, glomerulonephritis makes glomerular filtration barrier damaged. Then, blood cells may go to the filtration barrier to with bloody urine.

How to Treat Blood in Urine

The treatment of hematuria depends on exactly its cause. One example is, in the event the hematuria is because kidney or bladder infections, antibiotics are generally used. Besides, some veggie juice like cranberry juice incorporates a significant effect on preventing and treating bladder infections. Different causes need different managements.

Since blood in urine is very a relatively severe illness condition, patients should stop work avoiding strenuous activities and have adequate bed rest. In addition, doctor might prescribe some hemostatic drugs and ascorbic acid.

Below are some beneficial foods for kidney disease patients with hematuria: celery, lotus root, wax gourd, balsam pear, watermelon, apple, pear, etc.



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