
Natural Therapy to Reduce Creatinine 5.2 in FSGS

Natural Therapy to Reduce Creatinine 5.2 in FSGS
FSGS is featured as an autoimmune kidney disease. The immune complex will deposit on glomerulus, which is the main filtration mechanism of kidneys, causing kidney damage. Creatinine is the metabolic waste of muscles. Kidneys are supposed to be able to filter the creatinine in blood. If kidneys are damaged, the creatinine will accumulate in blood, leading to high creatinine level. The normal range of creatinine is 0.5-1.2mg/dl. Creatinine 5.2 proves that kidney function has been moderately damaged.

Creatinine is the byproduct of muscle and is excreted by kidneys in right condition. Therefore, it keeps at a constant level. The normal creatinine serum blood levels are 0.6 to 1.2 mg/dl in males and 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dl in females. High creatinine level indicates serious kidney damage. How to lower creatinine level in FSGS effectively?

Avoid strenuous exercise

Strenuous exercise can accelerate the metabolism of creatine in muscle thus producing more creatine in body. This will inevitably put much strain on kidneys when it is excreted by kidneys. So the patients with FSGS should avoid strenuous exercise and take part in aerobic exercise jogging, bicycling, swimming etc.

Vegetarian diet

Dietary sources of creatinine are only found within animal products. Therefore, to reduce the burden of extra creatinine circulating in your blood, you should cut down animal product in your diet and develop a vegetarian diet.

Improving kidney function is the basic solution to these problems. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended. This therapy is developed from the traditional Chinese medicine. What makes it different from the western treatments is that it can treat kidney disease without damaging kidney function but improving kidney function. Once kidney function is improved, all the problems will be relieved.



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