
Fatigue and Chronic Nephritis

Many Chronic Nephritis patients with decline of renal function will experience fatigue, so, is fatigue associated with chronic nephritis with declined renal function?

In normal case, healthy kidneys can secrete EPO, which could stimulate bone narrow to produce red blood cells. However, in chronic nephritis, due to kidneys are damaged, the failed kidneys can not secrete enough EPO. Thereby, the lack of EPO will result in the body is insufficient red blood cells, so, patients will show anemia, the occurring of anemia will lead to fatigue.

However, not all the fatigue means your kidney function has declined, because the illness condition varies from individual to individual.

Then, is there an effective approach to relieve fatigue in chronic nephritis? Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can achieve the goal by improving renal function. The external way combines chinese medicine and advanced technology and equipment. Throughout the course, patients simply need to lie on the bed, and two bags contained shattered medicine are put around the patient'back. Then, with the help of osmosis device, the active medicine could be penetrated into kidney lesions directly.

By blocking the advancement of renal fibrosis, repairing the injured tissues and cells and rebuilding the inherent kidney structure, kidney function can be improved in the root. As long as kidneys can carry out its function normally, fatigue can be alleviated in the root.

Additionally, patients with fatigue in chronic nephritis have to supply iron element from the foods. Common foods that are rich in iron element include: nori, agaric, kelp, broccoli, etc.



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