As everyone knows, healthy kidneys can filter unwanted substances, such as, Creatinine, BUN from the blood, and meanwhile, kidneys will also help to order useful matters in blood, such as, protein, red blood cells and other nutrients. However, in stage 3 CKD, due to kidneys are damaged, glomeruli can't execute its function normally, in this case, massive red blood cells will leak into urine, so, blood urine occurs. Generally, patients?¡¥ urine might be pink, or perhaps red.
Right now, the most popular treatment for blood in urine is focused on controlling corresponding signs and complications, oral western drug is mostly applied. In fact, oral drugs can actually relieve blood in urine, but long-term usage brings some side effects, such as the stimulation to stomach. Mostly, oral drugs can not treat renal damage in the root, whether or not the sign can be relieved, renal damage still exists.
We are able to relieve blood in urine by improving renal function. Because the underlying reason for kidney injury may be the polluted blood. In normal case, blood flow may bring oxygen for a number of organs, for instance kidneys. So, once blood is polluted, kidney damage will occur due to hypoxia and ischemia.
Plasma exchange is an effective method in our hospital. Within this treatment, some toxic and harmful elements could be discharged from the blood, in the intervening time, some important nourishment can also be added into stage 3 CKD patients' blood with a machine. Plasma exchange is among the blood purification methods in medicine. Aside from it, you will find hemodialysis, immune adsorption, hemofiltration, hemoperfusion and so on.