
How to Treat Fatigue in PKD

Many patients with polycystic kidney disease(PKD) complain they've serious fatigue, next, we will analyze the cause of fatigue with PKD and provide you with a satisfied answer.
PKD is characterized by various cysts in kidneys, which cysts increases in numbers and sizes with the time, eventually, renal function will decline due to the oppression of enlarged cysts. So, kidneys can not carry out its function normally.

So, why do patients present fatigue?

In normal case, kidneys will secrete a hormone called EPO, which can stimulate bone narrow to create red blood cells. However, in PKD, because of kidneys can't function properly, so, EPO insufficiency occurs, in this case, patients are experiencing anemia. And long-term anemia can result in obvious tiredness and weakness.

Then, how you can releve the sign effectively? Our characterized therapy Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can relieve the sign in the root. The core purpose of the method is to repair renal damage and improve renal function, because the underlying reason for fatigue with PKD may be the decline of renal function.

The technique combines Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) and western technology and equipment. Because separate Chinese treatment or western treatment methods are not enough, it can not treat kidney damage from the root.

In this treatment, by blocking the advancement of renal fibrosis, repairing the damaged kidney tissues and cells, rebuilding inherent kidney structure, kidney function can be improved in the root. So long as kidneys could work as normal, fatigue can be alleviated gradually.



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