Generally, the occurring of low blood pressure in diabetic nephropathy is related to renal damage. Since within this disease, the failed kidneys can not secrete enough renin, so, the shortage of renin will result in low blood pressure. In certain severe cases, low blood pressure even can result in cataphora, thereby, an effective treatment for the sign is significant.
Based on abundant treatment practices and clinical study, we've invented an effective method called Hot Compress Therapy. Differ from other treatment, it not only avoids the negative effects of oral drugs, but also it reduces the pain from surgery. Mostly, with the help of osmosis device, the activity of medicine could be penetrated into Shenshu acupoints adequately.
Throughout the course, by improving the blood circulation from the whole body, changing the condition of ischemia and hypoxia, repairing renal damage, renal function is going to be improved. In case kidney can execute its function as normal, it will produce enough renin. In this case, low blood pressure can be alleviated.
Besides, diabetic nephropathy with low blood pressure patients can keep a reasonable diet to alleviate the sign. Such as, they should eat some high-quality protein, for instance, milk, lean meat, fish. And meanwhile, low blood pressure patients should eat more nori, agaric, kelp, broccoli so as to supply iron element. However, there are still have many diet limitations and suggestions. If you wish to learn more details, contact with our online doctors now.