
How to Treat Itchy Skin in Stage 5 CKD

Itchy skin is among the most common the signs of stage 5 CKD, so, so why do patients present the sign? Can there be an effective approach to relieve the sign?

The reason for itchy skin is related to massive toxin. In normal case, the healthy kidneys can discharge the creatinine, extra fluid and toxin out of the body. However, in stage 5 CKD, because of the decline of renal function, the failed kidneys can't filter the toxin normally, so, the toxin can stimulate skin, so, itchy skin occurs.

So, how to relieve the sign effectively?

Medicated bath is a very good therapy. Since the underlying cause of an excessive amount of toxin may be the decline of renal function. Luckily, the core purpose of the method would be to improve renal function. The medicated bath liquid is abstracted from several types of Traditional chinese medicine. Throughout the course, having a entire body bath or foot bath, the active medicine could be absorbed by kidney lesions adequately through skin.

After several courses, patients may have hot sweat, which indicate certain toxin has been discharged out of the body and also the blood flow continues to be improved. Stage 5 CKD patients may have obvious physical changes, for example, itchy skin is relieved, proteinuria is remitted and other corresponding signs may also be alleviated. What's more, the externally way avoid the negative effects of oral drugs and also the pain from surgery. By now, the effective method have cured a lot more than 600 foreign patients with stage 5 CKD from 64 countries due to the obvious treatment effects.



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